While growing up we all listened when you will die and you will go to heaven or hell. If you go to HEAVEN you will get served with best food, honey, fruits, etc. etc. But my question is what the hell you are going to do with all this when you don't have any physical body because you left it here on earth or How it gonna hurt you in HELL with hot boiling oil if you don't have body?"
I am not hurting your emotions or sentiments but is s this theory of HEAVEN / HELL make any sense to you if you don't have physical body ?
If you wanna see HELL in real life Go and spend an entire day in ICU ward where people are struggling for there life every minute. If you wanna see HEAVEN in real life go and spend a day with a family farm from urban area which may don't have pocket full of money but they are living together 4 families cooking food in 1 kitchen and every night they eat dinner together and have Unconditional love for each other.

Why our Creator the Almighty God need to create two more different worlds when he already gives us everthing here on earth. If we call GOD the father of entire world so do you really think that first he create us and than send us in earth to judge do that he can send us to heaven or hell based on the things we do here do you biological father ever judge you on the basis of things you do. If your ans is NO than how GOD ? 

Ask yourself what is not available here on earth (Land, food, air, water, fuel etc.) for free of cost which is serving all your needs very well and than say do you still need to wait till death and go to another world (HEAVEN) to find PEACE if you can find it within YOU right now right at the moment by accepting the truth and get out of fears. Stop operatingg with EGO and accept your shadows to start working on them and than see how things around you changed miraculously. YES miracle happens but first we need to work on them to clear the path to make them happen.

Today before you ho to bed ask yourself is this really YOU is this how you were actually created by god or you are just following somebody's centuries old belief systems like every other person next to you is doing which is limiting you to explore you THE REAL YOU your unlimited potential to be in the best version of YOU.

Do Good Karma, Help others, Think how you can make someone happy today, what you can do for others today in any way to make there life bit better. Practice this for few days and after someday you will see how you are making this world HEAVEN again for others and for you as well same as created by Almighty in the begining of time.

Yes you were created by DIVINE and he is always working within you. You have the ability to do it he already gave you everything so no newd to find it here and there. All you need is  trust your Intuitions sit with yourself with closed eyes the feel it.

Yes, You can do it. Have a great day.
-Nomad's Tales


  1. You are saying truth but soul are also punished by God as per character of life

    1. Thanks
      Thats why I mentioned do good karma. Have a great day.

  2. Yes, it's true our karma decided what we earn heaven or hell..??
    Because both are existing on earth one who living royal life style and one who can not get single meal on whole day..
    There is lots of examples we can see around us what is heaven or hell.


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