Hello Everyone, Welcome back to my blog. I hope you all are doing great in your life. In this blog I am going to write about the concept of SHIVLINGA which is taught to us by our ancestors from ages but we never try to understand or question that why SHIVA is the only god who is worshiped as a form of oval shape stone when we have option to make an idol of Lord Shiva from it like we do for other ascended masters Like Lord Krishna, Lord Rama and many others and worship it.
First of all lets talk about what actually word “SHIVA” means. Whenever we talk about SHIVA our mind create an Image of a man (yogi) sitting in the mountais of Himalyas in a meditative posture with three eyes and a trident and a snake around his neck but because of our old belief systems and conditioning of society we never question to anyone that if that is Shiva Actually than why we worship an oval shape stone instead of his idol.
Let me explain you today what actually shiva is. Shiva is a state of consciousness of our mind which anyone can achieve with yogic practices. Shiva is the cosmic energy which contains all the knowledge in it and different dimensions of consciousness that one can achieve whit meditation & yogic practices. The man sitting in the himalyas we see and acknowledge as Shiva I better suggest you to call him “ADI YOGI” because he was the first man who gained achieve that consciousness and explore all 114 dimensions of life which are present in our body in the form of CHAKRAS (Energy centers) which one need to activate to achieve that consciousness and it actually takes lifetimes to achieve that state of mind as it is not possible in one life. Our body dies but our soul never and it contain all the memories and events with it and continue the journey of expansion and gaining knowledge lifetime after lifetime.
Now let’s talk about Shivlinga. As per the ancient stories of great legends whenever someone want to get something from lord shiva he/she start meditate on an oval shape stone called “Shivlinga” or whenever someone visit to ADI YOGI to ask him for something he desire. He always give them that stone and tell them that meditate on it and you will get whatever you wish for and the person manifest the same in physical reality whatever he create in his thought on mental plain once he start meditation with that stone Like we listen the story of Great Legend “Raavana”
So basically the concept of that oval shape stone is that stone is a part of nature and formed naturally and whenever someone went to ADIYOGI to fulfill his wishes so instead of going with them he always offer them that stone and tell them to go and meditate on “NATURE” instead of asking me. I can only show you the procedure and techniques that how to manifest the thing you want but first you need to match your body’s vibrations with specific mantras and yogic techniques and need to achieve the level of consciousness to manifest you wish in physical plain.

All of us human beings have ability to create our own reality. Nature gives you everything you wish for in one way or other. All you need to connect with nature and raise your vibrations with the help of yogic practices and match it with the thing you want to manifest in your life. It could be anything Job, Finances, Good health etc.
So if you understand what I am trying to say I request all of you to connect with nature, protect nature and spend some time alone in nature at least 15-20 minutes everyday. If possible walk bare feet on green grass and most imp. start meditation everyday at least 20 minutes per day. It will change your life in a magical way and you will find peace within you.


Thanks for reading. I hope you it will give you some clarity about old belief system and raise your dimension of life.


For more please contact : nomadspirituality@gmail.com


Nomad’s Tales


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