Hello Everyone! Welcome to my blog. I hope you all are doing great in your life. In this blog I am gonna share something which helps me to understand and unfold the life and I realized that how simple the life is and how simply it works but we humans made it so complicated that we don’t even trust ourself & our inner guidance. Now we need someone who confirms us that what is right and what is wrong for us who is compatible and who is not compatible for us.

Few days back something happe kon in my life which disturbed everything and I was like mad but instead of finding answers outside I isolate myself in a room turn inward through meditation and what I found inside me when I connect with my soul actually unfolded everything and gives me the universal wisdom, unlimited knowledge about pattrrn of life and all the answers about life and what really spirituality is which I am going to share with all of you today and I hope it will help you understand the life in very simple & better way and many of your doubts will clear today.

Let’s start with the very basic thing of our daily life “DAYS”

We have seven days in a week and the days are aligned in such a way and why only 7 days and also why the name of days is connected with the planets of our solar system. We are just waking up everyday and sleeping but never understand why we are sleeping on Monday and waking on Tuesday we are just following the old pattern but never try to understand the message behind the names of days. I am going to unfold it today and I hope it will help you to understand it in very simple and better way. First lets understand the days and how they are connected with planets and what they represents in physical plain and how their vibrations works on human bodies.

Day – 1 SUNDAY represents SUN. On physical plain (3D Earth) SUN represents the Soul/Spirit.

Day – 2 MONDAY represents MOON. Moon represents emotions and Consciousness of mind.

Day – 3 Tuesday Represents Mars (Mangal). Mars represents Physical Body (Human bodies).

Day – 4 Wednesday Represents mercury (Buddh). Mercury represents communication, intellect & Knowledge. 

Day – 5 Thursday represents Jupiter (Breshpati). Jupiter represents finances and abundance, knowledge (Happiness /Joy / Peace)

Day – 6 Friday represents Venus (Shukra). Venus represents Sexuality/Spirituality means creation of something new (New Life / Materialistic Things).

Day – 7 Saturday represents Saturn (Shani). Saturn represents Karma means actions whatever we do is our karma.

So now you understands the Name of days, Planet connected to them and what they represents in physical plain lets unfold the pattern behind this 7 days circle.

First 3 days of the week represents Body, Mind & Soul and once all these three are aligned perfectly than comes Day 4 which represents Sexuality / Spirituality means to create either you can create another human life or you can use your sexual strength for yourself use it in your creativity to create something whatever your desire is. Now let’s move to day means abundance/ finances it simply connected with Day 4 means when you create new human life you feel abundant emotionally and when you create something materialistic you created a way for your financial abundance. In similar way Day 6 represents communications & knowledge means when you create something materialistic you need good communication skills and full knowledge of your creation to convert it into finances and at last Day-7 represents Karma. We always listen that karma comes backs & that what our day 7 represents means we universe gives us Body, Mind, Soul and power of creation, We create something we communicate and send our creation to others and the way we send it to universe will come back to us in a similar way after a specific period of time because from where the circle of karma started ends up only there. Karma starts with your thoughts because everything we see today physical reality was first created in someone's mental plain before it manifest to physical plain.


I hope it helps you to understand why our ancestors designed 7 days and in a specific pattern by using the names of planets so that they can communicate their message about life to upcoming generations and how the cycle of life works in 7 simple steps but we never try to unfold this message and start depending on other for the major decisions of our life.

So today if you get the message than sit with yourself and see where you are lacking in above given thing and once you find out the issue see which planet’s vibrations are connected with that issue and raise your body vibrations to match with vibrations of that planet and the best and the only way to raise body vibrations is to chant “Beej Mantra” of that planet which create specific sound to create similar vibration matching with planets.

Once you did it successfully things will start changing magically.

Try it, For more email me @nomadspirituality@gmail.com

Thank you

Nomad’s Tales   


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