
Showing posts from July, 2021


THE PLANETS AND THE HUMANS! Hello Everyone! Welcome to my blog. I hope you all are doing great in your life. In this blog I am gonna share something which helps me to understand and unfold the life and I realized that how simple the life is and how simply it works but we humans made it so complicated that we don’t even trust ourself & our inner guidance. Now we need someone who confirms us that what is right and what is wrong for us who is compatible and who is not compatible for us. Few days back something happe kon in my life which disturbed everything and I was like mad but instead of finding answers outside I isolate myself in a room turn inward through meditation and what I found inside me when I connect with my soul actually unfolded everything and gives me the universal wisdom, unlimited knowledge about pattrrn of life and all the answers about life and what really spirituality is which I am going to share with all of you today and I hope it will help you underst

SPIRITUALITY - 3 - (My Spiritual Awakening)

Hello, Everyone Welcome to my blog. I hope you all are doing really great in your life. In this blog I am gonna talk about something that happened in my life in year 2020 that totally changed my life in the way I never expected . I went through a major transformation. You can say dark night of the soul before that everything was stuck in my life my work my relationships everything but when this happened the impact of that time was so major that my thought process the way I was living from last 30 years was totally washed away from my mind in a sudden moment and I came to know about the this which I never listen or heard before. Although it was the most painful moment of my life and I spent most of my time in fear and crying. I start meditation automatically and my sleeping time and my routine patters totally changed in one day and I had no idea what is going on in my life but later on after spending some painful days I came to know about that life is not all abo


Hey Everyone! I hope you all are doing great. Welcome back to the blog. In this blog I am gonna write about MANTRAS. What I think and understand about mantras and how to use them exactly. This is my personal experience and I am trying it from last 3-4 months & This works in magical way in my life. I hope this will help you too. WHAT IS MANTRA Since our childhood we listen a word “Mantra” but we never ask anyone what does it mean and how exactly it works with the alignment of planets. We often went to Astrologers and they told us to chant that particular mantra to fix the issues we are phasing in our life but no one ever taught us the exact meaning of process.  But before talking about mantras let’s talk about human body first to clear the things in more accurate way. We all know the universal truth that human body is made of 5 elements i:e; Earth, Sky, Water, Fire & Air so the way the vibrations of the planets in our solar system effect on them similarly


MIND BODY SOUL Hey Everyone, Welcome back to the blog. I hope you all are doing great. It’s been a while I posted something on my blog because I was looking for particular topic on which I can post content on regular basis and finally after searching so much I decided to post my blogs on “Spirituality” because what I found after searching so much that no doubt people are following spirituality but they actually don’t know the actual meaning of spirituality so I decide to learn spirituality myself first so that I can teach people same and help them to understand the real meaning of spirituality. WHAT IS RELIGION “MY POINT OF VIEW” As I researched I found that different people have different meaning of spirituality according to their belief systems and religious beliefs. First of all let me tell you that what I understand the meaning of Religion. We always identify ourself on behalf of religion but most of the time we don’t even know that what religion is and fro