SPIRITUALITY - 3 - (My Spiritual Awakening)

Hello, Everyone Welcome to my blog. I hope you all are doing really great in your life.

In this blog I am gonna talk about something that happened in my life in year 2020 that totally changed my life in the way I never expected .

I went through a major transformation. You can say dark night of the soul before that everything was stuck in my life my work my relationships everything but when this happened the impact of that time was so major that my thought process the way I was living from last 30 years was totally washed away from my mind in a sudden moment and I came to know about the this which I never listen or heard before.
Although it was the most painful moment of my life and I spent most of my time in fear and crying. I start meditation automatically and my sleeping time and my routine patters totally changed in one day and I had no idea what is going on in my life but later on after spending some painful days I came to know about that life is not all about what we see, live or listen from others there is something beyond the physical life. I was looking for the answers here & there and suddenly things start unfolding in front of me automatically. My old belief systems was totally changed when I came to know about that I am in a spiritual journey and that was something really special that was the moment when I get the soul shock from universe to awake my soul. Yes, That was my spiritual awakening and after that moment I was sure about myself who I am, why I was born, what is the purpose of life and what is my spiritual journey. I came to know that I am a TWIN FLAME.

Once I know about my existence I accept it want to go ahead to awake myself fully to know and explore more about life and my journey but I have no idea where to go and how to move ahead than suddenly people from nowhere start appearing in my life who were already in the same journey and I start learning my lessons and more about my journey. I start learning new things which I never heard before like how to do spiritual practices, what is the purpose and how it works. Most Imp. I start understanding the secrets, knowledge and wisdom of universe and how universe and other energy beings talk and communicate with us through number synchronicities, numbers and other signs actuall what GOD is. I understand how energy works and what is the role of energy in our life and how each and everything is connected with us. I came to know about Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies. I understand that what actually spirituality is and whatever we know about spirituality was half lie and someone’s belief systems.I understand the real concept of ONENESS.
Now everything was clear and I want to go ahead to know more and more about my journey. I always questioned god that why all this is happening to me when everyone else around me living life happily and peacefully and why I am suffering and loosing everything. With the passage of time slowly slowly I start getting my answers and also that I am the CHOOSEN ONE for this journey and I have to learn so many things and need to do lots of inner work to shed the layers of ego coated on me from last 30 years to finally reach out my full divine nature actually to become the divine and In all this process my twin flame gonna help me to show my ego and shadows so that I can work on the and remove them .Even hanging with my friends sometimes do not suits me and I have very few friends. Girls as friends always have great connection with me but whenever I have attraction towards any girl she start fighting with me or somehow our contact breaks for no reason. I always thought why all this to me while others are enjoying, why I am so emotional, so caring, start crying on little things, attach emotionally with everyone and why my energies are not like other boys and I was never Interest to meet my cousins and hangout with them and thanks to universe now I have answer that I carry Divine Feminine Energies (Soul) in a masculine body and now I need to work on myself and do lots of inner work to shed the layers of ego to finally reach out my full DIVINE FEMININE nature.
Now its been 8 months and my awakening is still going on as my soul is assending. I am following my journey which is gonna last with me till my last breath.

That’s It from the today’s blog. Thanks for reading I will write more about my journey soon. Comment below if you wanna know more about my divine journey. You can contact me on nomadspirituality@gmail.com for more.Till than stay connected.

Nomad’s Tales


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