Hey Everyone! I hope you all are doing great. Welcome back to the blog. In this blog I am gonna write about MANTRAS. What I think and understand about mantras and how to use them exactly. This is my personal experience and I am trying it from last 3-4 months & This works in magical way in my life. I hope this will help you too.
Since our childhood we listen a word “Mantra” but we never ask anyone what does it mean and how exactly it works with the alignment of planets. We often went to Astrologers and they told us to chant that particular mantra to fix the issues we are phasing in our life but no one ever taught us the exact meaning of process. 
But before talking about mantras let’s talk about human body first to clear the things in more accurate way. We all know the universal truth that human body is made of 5 elements i:e; Earth, Sky, Water, Fire & Air so the way the vibrations of the planets in our solar system effect on them similarly they work on human body. If you notice you will be more emotionally high or low during the full moon and new moon as compare to the other days of the cycle. But luckily Supreme father gives humans the ability to speak and listen and most imp. we humans have ability to design the sound as per our requirements. 
So In my understanding Mantra is nothing more but a sound that generate vibrations in our body which allows us to match our body vibrations with the vibrations of  planets exist in our solar system so that we can align our body and mental state with universe to become our higher self.

Universe works in very simple way. It understands no language no word meanings nothing but only vibrations. These meaning of words are only limited to human beings. U can notice that one word have different meanings depending on the region where we use it. So it is very clear that mantra has nothing to do with their meanings but if someone tell us the meaning of mantra so he/she is just telling us that what he understand just to understand his intellect. Meanings are for humans and Universe has nothing to do with meanings of words. It only understands the vibrations generated while we speak or chant mantras. What we throw will definitely come back and we call this karma. The more the high vibrations of your body the more you aligned with universal consciousness.
Everything is already exists in our surrounding in form of vibrations but no one ever teach us all these thing and we have a belief system that we must go to someone to ask about that how all this is happening and what we can do to make balance or fix the wrong things in our life. 
Energy is everything and everything is energy and where our awareness goes energy flows. Vibrations are also the form of energy and once we start doing something with full awareness in our conscious mind same things will start manifesting in our life in a magical way because it,s all about how we use our energy with our conscious mind.
So let’s talk about mantras now. All planets have their beej mantras and if we try to find the meaning of the words use in mantras we will get nothing because the words that were used by the designers of the mantras are chosen very intelligently. Their main focus was to make the sound that generate the vibrations which exactly match with the vibrations coming from the planet so that our body can align with that planet and once we done it successfully and the level of vibrations reach to that level to match with that celestial body things will start happening automatically in our life all you need is intention to manifest things in your life.

Once you understand the concept of energy and how it works and if you successfully align yourself with universal consciousness  you will be a limitless being with infinite possibilities and unlimited abundance in your life.
The best way to align with universe is to Meditate everyday at least 15-20 minutes everyday and this will also help you to understand the meaning and purpose of your life.

You already have everything inside you and all information is printed on you soul. All you need is connect with yourself and access your full potential.
Yes it’s already within you. Start accessing it today. For more information you can contact me on nomadspirituality@gmail.com and I will help you in best possible way to find you.

Thank you So much
Nomads Tales 


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